[Linux-cachefs] Meet every morning with joy and positive!

Federico Bautista spreaderh121 at glam.ac.uk
Wed Apr 22 18:55:13 UTC 2009

again happy things

let me explain Buoy

i look for girls with purses that compliment mine

well as it turns out it was me who needed her the most i think if the test of the greatest among us is the one who will be the servant than penny wins in this houseok animal peoplei get it i really really get it

i think they are so cute i love her litte handwriting and she is beyond excited to pass them out some other projects she and i looked at but didnt get around to (of course) from martha (of course)

cate chose these pretty little traditional valentines cards from bunny cakes i love them

and i cheat like alot well usually i ease up on weekends but i feel so crappy and bloated again that i cant wait to start eating right on monday but i have kind of had to tell myself this is just the new lifestyle and if i want to indulge every now and again im going to cause id rather die than not be able to have some chips and guac or a slice of cake every now and again so if i eat like this 90% of the time then ive noticed that my body or the scale doesnt mind if i wander in my choices a bit the other 10% exercising everyday helps with this too i feel like its a great trade off- feeling great and a regular period for a little self control

plan to be surprised

what im listening to this morningagain

i spent a few years calming down my teen angst and attempting to grow up i loved san luis obispo i was ready to chill there for good 

Off to the kindergarten valentine party

i swear nothing makes me happier than a peaceful space and some needles 

this week i am getting all my ducks in a row so that this weekend i can hole up and sew myself some desperately needed skirts for church and summer 

secondly i must say i know carbohydrates arent bad i know bread is life and wheat is the staff of life a lot of fruits and veggies are quite sugary/ starchy for almost everyone eating all these foods in moderation will do them fine but remember i am trying to regulate an abnormality to a diabetic sugar is the devil to someone with celiac disease wheat is the devil to someone with milk allergies dairy is the devel and what ive come to believe that for some women who dont ovulate high blood sugar may be their devil and it definately is mine

did anyone else sustain life with saltines from the ages of 13-17

but i couldnt stop looking at the picture because it shows the place where i played for the first 12 years of my life 

project 31 is rolling along i have donations for every single item i need for the 31 newborn kits and lots of fabric donations and i will sew until there are 31 baby quilts too thank you SO much i was overwhelmed by the awesome response packages are starting to arrive i will be sure to post some pictures when i get it all together and ready to take to the humanitarian center my heart is happy

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