[Linux-cachefs] Error FSCache when run Lighttpd 1.5 On NFS volume

Duc Le Minh duclm.vn at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 15:28:00 UTC 2009

[events] ==> cachefiles_read_reissue({ino=2af8007},{c3,200000000000810})
[events] reissue read
[events] <== cachefiles_read_reissue() = -EINPROGRESS
[events] ==> cachefiles_read_reissue({ino=15d0003},{1b3,200000000000810})
[events] reissue read
[events] <== cachefiles_read_reissue() = -EINPROGRESS
[events] ==> cachefiles_read_reissue({ino=1208002},{16d,100000000000830})
[events] reissue read
[events] <== cachefiles_read_reissue() = -EINPROGRESS
CacheFiles: I/O Error: Unlink failed
FS-Cache: Cache cachefiles stopped due to I/O error

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