[Linux-cachefs] Possible patch for CacheFiles: I/O Error: Unlink failed

Romain DEGEZ romain.degez at smartjog.com
Thu Apr 1 13:51:20 UTC 2010

On Thursday 01 April 2010 15:41:21 Greg M wrote:
> David,
> Not sure if I'm doing something wrong here.
> I've extracted the below code but get the following error after applying to
> 2.6.33(0)

Hi David,

I applied your patch and I'm now running a patched kernel on one of my 

I had trouble applying only this "EIO error patch" to the 2.6.33-2 debian 
kernel sources at first but everything went smooth when I added all the latest 
(i.e. not included to 2.6.33) patches gathered on the ML.

These patches are attached if it can help someone.

So far everything seems to be working fine, the unlink error is no longer 
happening and the server is happily delivering ~800Mbit/s from the local disk 

Will keep you updated.


Romain DEGEZ, IT Manager

Smartjog S.A.S. - http://www.smartjog.com - Groupe TDF
27 Bd Hippolyte Marques, 94200 Ivry sur Seine, France
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Name: 01-order.debugfs.stats.correctly.patch
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Name: 02-remove.experimental.patch
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Name: 04-slow-work.use.get_ref.wrapper.instead.of.direct.calling.patch
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Name: 05-slow-work.config.slow-work.proc.should.be.config.slow-work.debug.patch
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Name: 06-fix.occasional.eio.on.call.to.vfs_unlink.patch
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URL: <http://listman.redhat.com/archives/linux-cachefs/attachments/20100401/d7a9ec86/attachment-0005.bin>

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