[Linux-cachefs] Possible patch for CacheFiles: I/O Error: Unlink failed

David Howells dhowells at redhat.com
Tue Apr 6 10:00:37 UTC 2010

Romain DEGEZ <romain.degez at smartjog.com> wrote:

> [93087.800457] [kslowd] preemptive burial: OBJ191e [OBJECT_RECYCLING] 
> ffff8802b1f74480
> [93507.995805] [kslowd] preemptive burial: OBJ2030 [OBJECT_RECYCLING] 
> ffff88042e24ec00

These are okay.  As I pointed out, they're just debugging that is still

> [93087.800461] CacheFiles: Error: Object already preemptively buried

This is less okay:-/


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