[Linux-cachefs] 'bad page state' error

Rob Bos rbos at sfu.ca
Wed Jun 19 18:56:26 UTC 2013

On 6/19/2013 3:03 AM, David Howells wrote:
> Rob Bos <rbos at sfu.ca> wrote:
>> I applied the 373 patchset and compiled a version with CIFS_FSCACHE enabled.
>> Same problem. Got ~2GiB into a cp before it started generating 'bad page
>> state' errors.
> Okay, thanks.  Looks like there's still another bug in there:-(
> When you say you git 2GiB into a cp, were you actually copying a file of that
> size?  Or was this cumulative?

Bunch of small files. Matlab installer, specifically.

I was working on duplicating the error messages this morning by copying 
files of known size in a controlled fashion, and crashed the VM (another 
process was reading data from it at the time). Had the VMware guy 
capture a screenshot of the oops, attached, but alas, no scrollback.

When I get some time I'll write up a quick script to repeatedly 
write/read files of a fixed size and stop when an error is found in 
dmesg, under more controlled circumstances. That might tell us if it's a 
certain file access doing it, or a certain amount of writes, or reads.

> If I could work out how to reproduce this reliably, there's a good chance I'll
> be able to fix it.
> David

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