[Linux-cluster] Configuration of a 2 node HA cluster with gfs

Birger Wathne birger at uib.no
Tue Apr 19 22:19:53 UTC 2005

Lon Hohberger wrote:

> /sbin/ip addr list <-- should show the IPs

Yes, I found that one by reading ip.sh

>exportfs should show the exports.  If it's not, there may be something
>broken.  I'll have a look.
The only thing broken was that I could not have exports without wrapping 
them in <fs> (or <clusterfs>)

> Use fstab. Putting GFS file systems in rgmanager's config section just
>causes it to make sure it's mounted.
Since I couldn't export them without also mounting them (or at least 
check that they are mounted) in the service I currently don't have them 
in fstab.


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