[Linux-cluster] XEN Cluster

Darek Skorupa d.skorupa at wasko.pl
Thu Dec 20 07:24:18 UTC 2007

Lon Hohberger pisze:
> On Mon, 2007-12-17 at 11:33 +0100, amrossi at linux.it wrote:
>> Ok...but i've 2 hosts (domain-0)... is it different?
> Not really, except that if you plan to do migration, you must have:
>  * the images on shared storage (e.g. GFS or raw partitions), and
>  * fencing for the dom0 cluster.

So, if I have 2 hosts (physical servers) with 6 virtual XEN instances on 
each and I want use one virtual machine from first host and one virtual 
machine from second host as two-node cluster it can generate a lot of 

1. I have to make two node cluster using fence_xvm as fencing method on 
XEN machines
2. I have to make two node dom0 cluster and using some type of fencing 
(ilo, power, etc...)
am I right ?

So, when one of dom0 machine start to think that second node (second 
dom0 machine) is dead the one will start to fencing procedure and 
killing second dom0 machine, so it will reboot not only XEN node but 
also any of XEN machines on the physical  computer  (dom0 machine).

If I understand it in good way, it a little bit stupid for me :/


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