[Linux-cluster] Diagnostics?

Pool, LC, Mr <14117614@sun.ac.za> 14117614 at sun.ac.za
Sat Feb 10 07:37:38 UTC 2007


I have 10 nodes that are not connected to any monitor or cd/dvd rom drive or a floppy drive, and I would like to run some diagnostics, like memtest, etc.

Is there anyway that I can do this?

I'm looking at using tftp/bootp, but this would mean writing my own image so as to get the output from the tests to determine if a machine is faulty or not. This would require alot of my time. Is there any free software that is already doing this.?

I'm looking on the web, but most of them are for single pc's....

Any ideas?

"We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances." Sir Isaac Newton

-----Original Message-----
From: linux-cluster-bounces at redhat.com on behalf of Lon Hohberger
Sent: Fri 2/9/2007 04:41 PM
To: linux clustering
Subject: Re: [Linux-cluster] Optimal number of nodes?
On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 13:22 -0700, Tarun Reddy wrote:

> Just another question. In my cage I actually have a fifth machine,  
> also running RedHat 4 but purposed for usage outside of the cluster.  
> Actually adding it to the cluster, but limiting  services only to the  
> four "real" nodes would actually significant improve the tolerance of  
> my environment by allowing any two nodes to fail or be powered off,  
> correct?


-- Lon

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