[Linux-cluster] Cannot add nodes

isplist at logicore.net isplist at logicore.net
Wed Nov 14 18:57:47 UTC 2007

> Yes, it could be that the versions are out of step. I'm not sure about
> what's in each of those versions as I don't recognise the numbers, there
> were some incompatibilities between very old versions of cman and newer
> ones. So I strongly recommend upgradeing .. or, at least using the same
> version on all nodes.

Well, I've run into more weirdness .
yum update won't run because there's something called seamonkey-nss and 
seamonkey-nrps (can't recall exactly now, not at that terminal). Neither can 
be updated, neither can be removed, neither can even be found on the system. 
However... one or both seem to be dependant on fenced.

Anyone else come across this?


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