[Linux-cluster] Locks reported by gfs_tool lockdump does not match that presented in dlm_locks. Any reason??

Ja S jas199931 at yahoo.com
Wed May 14 00:56:44 UTC 2008

Hi, All:

For a given lock space, at the same time, I saved a
copy of the output of “gfs_tool lockdump” as
“gfs_locks” and a copy of dlm_locks. 

Then I checked the locks presents in the two saved
files. I realized that the number of locks in
gfs_locks is not the same as the locks presented in

For instance, 
>From dlm_locks:
9980 NL locks, where
--7984 locks are from remote nodes
--0 locks are on remote nodes
--1996 locks are processed on its own master lock
0 CR locks, where
--0 locks are from remote nodes
--0 locks are on remote nodes
--0 locks are processed on its own master lock
0 CW locks, where
--0 locks are from remote nodes
--0 locks are on remote nodes
--0 locks are processed on its own master lock
1173 PR locks, where
--684 locks are from remote nodes
--32 locks are on remote nodes
--457 locks are processed on its own master lock
0 PW locks, where
--0 locks are from remote nodes
--0 locks are on remote nodes
--0 locks are processed on its own master lock
47 EX locks, where
--46 locks are from remote nodes
--0 locks are on remote nodes
--1 locks are processed on its own master lock

In summary, 
11200 locks in total, where
-- 8714 locks are from remote nodes (entries with “
Remote: ”)
-- 32 locks are on remote nodes (entries with “
Master: “)
-- 2454 locks are processed on its own master lock
resources (entries with only lock ID and lock mode)

These locks are all in the granted queue. There is
nothing under the conversion and waiting queues.

>From gfs_locks, there are 2932 locks in total, ( grep
‘^Glock ‘ and count the entries). Then for each Glock
I got the second number which is the ID of a lock
resource, and searched the ID in dlm_locks. I then
split the searched results into two groups as shown
--46 locks are associated with local copies of master
lock resources on remote nodes
--2886 locks are associated with master lock resources
on the node itself

Now, I tried to find the relationship between the five
numbers from two sources but ended up nowhere.
-- 8714 locks are from remote nodes 
-- 32 locks are on remote nodes
-- 2454 locks are processed on its own master lock
--46 locks are associated with local copies of master
lock resources on remote nodes
--2886 locks are associated with master lock resources
on the node itself

Can anyone kindly point out the relationships between
the number of locks presented in dlm_locks and

Thanks for your time on reading this long question and
look forward to your help.



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