[Linux-cluster] service state unchanged when host crashes

Jakov Sosic jakov.sosic at srce.hr
Wed Oct 28 13:54:04 UTC 2009

On Wed, 28 Oct 2009 11:10:07 -0000
"Martin Waite" <Martin.Waite at datacash.com> wrote:

> Given the nature of the bug, does this mean that the unpatched
> cluster code is unable to relocate services in the event of node
> failure ?

Yes, that means exactly that.

> If so, how can anyone be using this ?

Well, they can't :) As I've mentioned earlier, I've switched to CentOS
after I found out this bug. You can rebuild your own debian package
with provided patch, or you can try to convince debian package
maintainers to include patch into distribution...

|    Jakov Sosic    |    ICQ: 28410271    |   PGP: 0x965CAE2D   |
| start fighting cancer -> http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/   |

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