[Linux-cluster] use of netgroup as NFS client resource target?

Mark Bergman bergman at merctech.com
Wed May 26 15:35:51 UTC 2010

The pithy ruminations from bergman at merctech.com on "[Linux-cluster] use of netgroup as NFS client resource target?" were:

I posted this query in April and received no replies, but the need has come up again, so I'm giving it another try.

Does anyone have information about using (NIS) netgroups to define an export list as the NFS client resource?

Currently I've got each NFS client defined as a private resource under the NFS service for each exported filesystem.
Instead of defining each client separately, is it possible configure the cluster resource to export to a netgroup (a list of clients defined and maintained outside of RHCS)? 

I'd appreciate any suggestions on this.



=> Is it possible to use netgroups to define NFS shares, rather than per-client?
=> Specifically, when creating an resource of type "NFS Client", can the "target" 
=> be a netgroup instead of the name of a single client?
=> On a conventional NFS server, /etc/exports might look something like:
=> 	/homedirs		@servers(rw)
=> 	/homedirs		@desktops(rw)
=> 	/bindir		@servers(ro)
=> 	/logdir		@servers(rw)
=> Under RHCS, it seems as if each member of the netgroups (@servers, @desktops)
=> must be defined as a separate NFS client and set up as a separate resource.
=> This doesn't scale well in environments with significant numbers of NFS 
=> clients, particularly if they share subnets with machines that should not have 
=> NFS access to the shares.
=> Environment:
=> 	CentOS 5.4 (2.6.18-164.15.1.el5)
=> 	RHCS (cman) 2.0.115-1.el5_4.9
=> Thanks,
=> Mark
=> --
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