[Linux-cluster] fence_ilo question

Digimer linux at alteeve.com
Mon Nov 7 19:36:24 UTC 2011

On 11/07/2011 02:18 PM, Elena Ufimtseva wrote:
> Thanks Digimer
> But look what confuses me here. 
> Cluster will run fence_node, right? It will read cluster.conf, get all
> these parameters, timouts and etc... and will run an agent which is in
> my case fence_ilo, correct?
> Ok, looking at fence_ilo:
>         fence_ilo [options]
> Options:
>    -o <action>    Action: status, reboot (default), off or on
>    -a <ip>        IP address or hostname of fencing device
>    -l <name>      Login name
>    -p <password>  Login password or passphrase
>    -S <script>    Script to run to retrieve password
>    -z             Use ssl connection
>    -r <version>   Force ribcl version to use
>    -q             Quiet mode
>    -v             Verbose mode
>    -D <debugfile> Debugging to output file
>    -V             Output version information and exit
>    -h             Display this help and exit
> So how it can use the login_timout?
> Thanks, 
> Elena

The fence agent can be called in two ways; One is with command-line
switches, as you see there, and the other is by passing variable=value
pairs, one per line. It could be that not all the options are available
from the command line, but I can't say for sure without looking at the

As for how it's called; When the cluster needs to fence a node, fenced
takes the named fence agent (fence_ilo here), gathers up the arguments
set in the victim node's <fence ...> element and the attributes in the
<fencedevice ...> element, calls the fence agent and then feeds in the
options, one at a time as I described above.

The fence_node command is really just a small script to trigger a fence
call in the cluster. It doesn't directly talk to the agent and as such,
relies entirely on the configuration in the cluster to execute the fence.

Now, if you call 'fence_ilo' directly, then you can test sending
arguments to the agent to see how it behaves. Try putting the arguments
and values as:

vim /tmp/fence_args

Then cat'ing the file into the fence agent;

cat /tmp/fence_args | fence_ilo

This will simulate how the cluster calls the agent and should let you
test out the arguments I showed you in the first email.

E-Mail:              digimer at alteeve.com
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