[linux-lvm] LVM Viewer / Manager app

Jos Visser josv at osp.nl
Wed Apr 5 06:51:34 UTC 2000


Regarding visual interfaces for volume managers, my all-time favorite is
the Veritas Visual Volume Administrator VXVA. I'll see if I can dig up a
few screenshots. Mind you, the new version of the volume administrator
(VMVA) traded the older (and in my opinion nicer) graphical display for
a boring list oriented display.


bert hubert wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> In the progress of working on my much-disputed HOWTO, I programmed a tiny
> tool which visually shows you your LVM configuration. A screenshot is
> available on http://ds9a.nl/lvm-howto/. Source will be released soon but
> its far too ugly now :-)
> I'm currenly thinking about making this a full blown LVM manager, does
> anybody have ideas on what the best paradigm would be? Perhaps people here
> have worked with HP/UX SAM, and have ideas.
> Regards,
> bert hubert.
> --
>                        |              http://www.rent-a-nerd.nl
>                        |
>                        |                     - U N I X -
>                        |          Inspice et cautus eris - D11T'95

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