[linux-lvm] how to determine if /dev/... is an LV?

Brian J. Murrell 6888736b923846176364586bf2e7649f at interlinx.bc.ca
Wed Aug 22 07:44:25 UTC 2001

Hi all,

This should hopefully be simple.  I am modifying some code to deal
with LVM.  If I am given a device path for an LV, say, /dev/VG/1,
programatically, how can I determine that it actually is an LV and not
some other kind of device?  The best I have come up with is:

lvdisplay -D -c /dev/VG/lvol1 2>&1 | grep "^/dev/VG/lvol1" >/dev/null

and testing "$?".

Seems kind of "hacky" though.  Is there a better way?

Also, is there any relationship between the output from the lvdisplay
and the minor number for the device?


Brian J. Murrell

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