[linux-lvm] LVM, rawio, ext2?

David Rees dbr at greenhydrant.com
Thu Aug 23 08:40:12 UTC 2001


I'd like to create an ext2 filesystem over a raw io device, is this even
possible?  (If not, skip the rest of this message! ;-)

I've searched various archives, and it seems that people are using lvm along
with rawio (and md!) with success, the question I have is "how do I do it?".

Which way is it best to layer the different io management schemes?  For
example, is it possible to put a md or lvm device on top of 1 or more raw io
devices and keep the data from being buffered?  If not, how do I create an
ext2 filesystem on a raw device?  Forcing it didn't work.


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