[linux-lvm] vgscan fails to find VGs

Terje Eggestad terje.eggestad at scali.no
Wed Jul 25 11:51:37 UTC 2001

NB: I'm using 0.9.1 B2 in case this problem is already fixed!
(also RH 7.1 with stock 2.4.3).

But since At the bottom of http://www.sistina.com/lvm/doc/KNOWN_BUGS
is says:

- there still seems to be a rare condition when vgscan(8) fails
  to find your VGs.
  Basically you only need to run vgscan if your disk
  configuration changed or your lost your /etc/lvmtab* entries.

So it still may not be fixed.

Anyway i figured out that vgscan fails if there is a CD in the CD
player, doesn't matter if's a audio or iso9660 CD.

if you run vgscan -d 
you get way down:
<333> pv_read -- going to read /dev/hdc
<333> pv_read -- LEAVING with ret: -282
<22> pv_read_all_pv -- pv_read returned: -282

I only have hda and hdc, no scsi. 



Terje Eggestad                  terje.eggestad at scali.no
Scali Scalable Linux Systems    http://www.scali.com

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