[linux-lvm] LVM 0.9.1 Beta6 RPMS

AJ Lewis lewis at sistina.com
Fri Mar 16 18:44:46 UTC 2001

LVM 0.9.1 Beta6 RPMS are up on the Sistina FTP site:

These are based on the Connectiva LVM packages, but were created on a Redhat
6.2 system.  (I think they will work on any RPM based system though...) They
use a modified version of the wrapper script (it uses sed instead of
basename and the libary name has changed).  You need to grab at a minimum,
the lvm-base, lvm-iop10, and lvm-iop10-lib packages.

This should be considered a Beta version of the package as well as of LVM.
Please don't go using these on your production system and then complain
because they clobber your system.  I'm putting these out there for people to
test so we have them right when we release a production version of LVM.

Debian packages are next in line.  Hopefully I'll have those done by the end
of Monday...

Go forth and test!
AJ Lewis
Sistina Software Inc.                  Voice:  612-379-3951
1313 5th St SE, Suite 111              Fax:    612-379-3952
Minneapolis, MN 55414                  E-Mail: lewis at sistina.com

Current GPG fingerprint = 3B5F 6011 5216 76A5 2F6B  52A0 941E 1261 0029 2648
Get my key at: http://www.sistina.com/~lewis/gpgkey
 (Unfortunately, the PKS-type keyservers do not work with multiple sub-keys)

-----Begin Obligatory Humorous Quote----------------------------------------
"Memory is like gasoline. You use it up when you are running. Of
course you get it all back when you reboot..."; Actual explanation
obtained from the Micro help desk.
-----End Obligatory Humorous Quote------------------------------------------
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