[linux-lvm] LAZY MODE: Exchanging a LVM'ed disk

Turbo Fredriksson turbo at bayour.com
Tue Nov 20 09:39:01 UTC 2001

Quoting Benjamin Scott <bscott at ntisys.com>:

> On 20 Nov 2001, Turbo Fredriksson wrote:
> > I currently have a disk in my LVM set which is only 1Gb. It's also quite
> > old, so I'd like to replace that with a newer/bigger one..
>   1. Backup the existing filesystem(s)
>   2. Verify the backup
>   3. Create a PV on the new disk (pvcreate)
>   4. Add the new PV to the existing VG (vgextend)
>   5. Move the data from the old PV to the new PV (pvmove)
>   6. Remove the old PV from the VG (vgreduce)
>   7. Extend the LV to use the entire new PV (lvextend)
>   8. Resize the filesystem to use the entire LV

Quoting Benjamin Scott <bscott at ntisys.com>:

> On 20 Nov 2001, Turbo Fredriksson wrote:
> > Do I _have_ to copy all the info to a empty disk, then create the lv
> > (pvcreate et al)?
>  No, you could just blow away your existing non-LVM partition and lose all
> your data.  ;-)  But if you would like to *keep* your data, the answer is
> "Yes, you have to copy it all to another filesystem".

Dang! I was hopping I could get away easy here! :)

Thanx for the answer, I appreciate it, even though I don't "like it" if you know
what I mean :)

 Turbo     __ _     Debian GNU     Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just 
 ^^^^^    / /(_)_ __  _   ___  __  selective about who its friends are 
         / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /    Debian Certified Linux Developer  
  _ /// / /__| | | | | |_| |>  <  Turbo Fredriksson   turbo at bayour.com
  \\\/  \____/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\         Gothenburg/Sweden

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