[linux-lvm] known bug, patch?

Ulrich Wiederhold U.Wiederhold at gmx.net
Thu Nov 22 06:06:01 UTC 2001

I wanna move a pv now and get this error:
"pvmove -v /dev/hdb1"
pvmove -- /dev/hdb1 [PE 2014 [special_artists [LE 2014]] -> /dev/sdc5
[PE 3262] [1/1]
pvmove -- ERROR reading input physical volume "/dev/hdb1" (still 65536
bytes to read)

pvmove -- ERROR "pv_move_pe(): read input PV" pv_move_pe

pvmove -- ERROR "pv_move_pe(): read input PV" moving physical extents

I looked in the archive and found it as known bug.
So I tryed to change tools/lib/pv_move.c and tools/pvmove.c as described

But after the "make" it doesn´t build the new pvmove. If I try make
install I get this error:
gcc -c -pipe -g -O2 -Wall -pg -DDEBUG -I../tools/lib -I../tools
-I/usr/local/src/LVM/1.0.1-rc4/tools/lib -o pvmove.o pvmove.c
pvmove.c: In function `main':
pvmove.c:85: undefined or invalid # directive
make[2]: *** [pvmove.o] Fehler 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/LVM/1.0.1-rc4/tools'
make[1]: *** [all] Fehler 2

Does anybody have a patch for it, please send it as PM.

At the moment I use 1.0.1-rc4, but this pv´s were created with 0.9x (?).


'The box said, 'Requires Windows 95 or better', so i installed Linux - TKK 5

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