[linux-lvm] volume group not found????

tim tdwebste at netcentricnj.com
Fri Sep 21 03:06:15 UTC 2001

It seems I have a similar problem to poor Alexander Bruns.
This whole this is giving me big head heack.

Luckily I only have /usr and /var as logical volumes. So I am still able to boot.

I created logical volume partitions /dev/sda4 /dev/sdb5
Then created stripped lvm's lv_usr and lv_var

Reboot several times and everything worked well.

I see /dev/system/lv_usr, /dev/system/lv_var, /etc/lvmconf/sytem.conf

However vgchange fails
vgchange -a y 
vgchange -- no volume groups found

no logical volumes

How can I recover?


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