[linux-lvm] Removing PV with disk errors from VG

kalle at idlar.nu kalle at idlar.nu
Fri Mar 8 09:42:01 UTC 2002


I have built a VG from a couple of disks and have now discovered that one 
disk is not working right. Im getting a lot of theese kinds of errors:

end_request: I/O error, dev 03:03 (hdd), sector 2321462
hdd: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
hdd: read_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=12571028, 

So I would like to move the data that still can be accessed from the bad 
disk and remove the disk from the VG.
When I run pvmove /dev/hdd1 I get theese errors:
pvmove -- ERROR "Input/output error" reading sector 130688 from "/dev/hdd1"
pvmove -- ERROR "Input/output error" reading sector 130689 from "/dev/hdd1"
pvmove -- ERROR "Input/output error" reading sector 130690 from "/dev/hdd1"
pvmove -- ERROR "Input/output error" reading sector 130691 from "/dev/hdd1"
pvmove -- ERROR "Input/output error" reading sector 130692 from "/dev/hdd1"
pvmove -- ERROR "Input/output error" reading sector 130693 from "/dev/hdd1"
pvmove -- ERROR "Input/output error" reading sector 130694 from "/dev/hdd1"
pvmove -- ERROR "Input/output error" reading sector 130695 from "/dev/hdd1"
pvmove -- ERROR reading input physical volume "/dev/hdd1" (still 393216 
bytes to read)
pvmove -- ERROR "pv_move_pe(): read input PV" moving physical extents

I have tried to upgrade to the 1.0.3 tools and doing "pvmove -i /dev/hdd1" 
but I still get the same errors.
Im using lvm-mod version 1.0.1-rc4 with kernel 2.4.17.

Im willing to accept data loss, so is it possible to force the removal of 
the  PV, even if its not empty?

Can I somehow display the files that occupies a PV? so that I know which 
files will be lost.

What if I just remove the /dev/hdd1 partition with fdisk? will that mess up 
the whole VG?

any help appreciateed!

/Regards kalle...

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