[linux-lvm] LVM2 and reiserfsck

Geert Jansen geertj at boskant.nl
Thu Oct 24 15:22:01 UTC 2002

Dear LVM developers,

there seems to be a problems with LVM2 and reiserfsck. I use the following

* Linux 2.5.44-ac2 with device-mapper support
* reiserfsprogs 3.6.3 (latest)
* current device-mapper software
* current LVM2 tools

During start-up, reiserfsck fails to run on any reiserfs that resides on an LVM
managed volume. It fails with the following error message:

  bread: cannot read some block #2

Mounting the fs goes work just fine, it is only the fsck that gives trouble.

Does anybody know what is causing this problem and if there exists a patch?
I'd be happy to provide more data or try a patch.

Geert Jansen

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