[linux-lvm] Ext3 -> ReiserFS on '/' convertion prob

Madison Kelly linux at alteeve.com
Fri Dec 19 13:55:02 UTC 2003

Time for me to feel really foolish... I am trying to do just this from 
'/' but I am getting a "Device or resource busy" error... '/proc' is 
mounted off of root already... I tried continuing on and it seemed to 
have worked anyway though it threw a LOT of:

depmod: *** Unresolved symbol in 

The rest seemed fine and I made the entry into grub.conf pointing to the 
new boot image. I ams till getting a kernel panic now but it no longer 
seems to have anything to do with LVM, simply it is -still- looking for 
an ext3 partition and obviously failing to find it.

Is there an LV, LVM, VG or PV command I need to issue to tell the system 
that the filesystem is now resierfs? As I mentioned, I have edited 
'/etc/fstab', '/etc/mtab' and '/etc/blkid.tab' to reflect the changes. 
What am I missing? Gah! I feel like I am so close yet so far!


Jord Tanner wrote:
> Don't do any symlinking, instead try this:
>         sh-2.05b# mount -t proc proc /mnt/sysimage/proc
>         sh-2.05b# chroot /mnt/sysimage /bin/bash
>         sh-2.05b# source /etc/profile
>         [root at hostname /]# lvmcreate_initrd
>         [root at hostname /]# exit
>         sh-2.05b# umount /mnt/sysimage/proc
>         sh-2.05b# shutdown -r now
> You may have more success. I think the reason you were getting errors is
> that lvmcreate_initrd assumes that your system file tree starts at /,
> not at /mnt/sysimage. You were able to fool it somewhat with symlinking,
> but the real solution is to chroot to the real /, then run
> lvmcreate_initrd. As always YMMV.

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