[linux-lvm] dm and 2.4.21-rc2-xfs

Klaus Strebel klaus.strebel at eigner.com
Mon May 12 07:12:02 UTC 2003

Hi Joe and all the rest on [linux-lvm],

i upgraded my kernel to 2.4.21-rc2-xfs with the dm-patches 
(dm-2.4.20-10) and had hard crashes on booting while mounting my 
ext3-boot-partition (don't use xfs for root, var, usr, opt due to 
earlier problems, for everything other, its the fs of my choice though 
:-)) .

Any suggestions about patches for the jbd code (there where some changes 
in it from 2.4.20 to 2.4.21.x and i confess, i'm to lazy finding it out 
on my own, but, when nobody else did it, beharps i'll have to, booting 
to ext2 doesn't make me sleep too well :-) ).

My first (hum, and only) try was just leaving all the patches concerning 
journal_heads to jbh.h and buffer.c (and all the few other i found it 
in) out. Result was, that i came further, but also to a crash.

Klaus Strebel
klaus.strebel at eigner.com
EIGNER - Precision Lifecycle Management -

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