[linux-lvm] FYI: Going back to LVM1 from LVM2

Rickard Olsson richie at webhackande.se
Tue Sep 16 04:50:01 UTC 2003

For various reasons (when I fix it, I'll Tell the Tale) I installed LVM2 
today. It didn't solve my immediate problems, so I tried to go back to 
LVM1. However, the dev/vg_name/lv_name node had disappeared and even 
though both vgchange -ay, vgscan, lvscan and pvscan all reported seeing 
the lv fine, mount could not find it.

A reboot did not help. Panic lurked.

However, vgchange -an followed by vgchange -ay helped.

    / Rickard Olsson,IT-Konsult/
   / Telefon: +46 70 635 01 42/
  / http://www.webhackande.se/

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