[linux-lvm] LVM and umount strangeness

Tim Hibbard hibbard at ohio.edu
Thu Dec 2 03:39:36 UTC 2004

I am having a weird problem and do not know if it is an LVM or umount problem. 
I have an lvm volume on /dev/lvm/disks which mount to /home.  When I try to
umount the /dev/lvm/disks I get an error.  However umount /home works fine.

I try to do a umount /dev/lvm/disks I get a message "umount: /dev/lvm/disks: not
mounted" (even though it is).  I would normally have no problem with "umount
/home" except this is the redhat cluster software which always tries to do
umount /dev/lvm/disks resulting in a failure.

Kernel linux-2.4.27

Thanks in advance

Tim Hibbard

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