Re : [linux-lvm] Adding xfs module to the initrd-lvm

Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh) jean-luc.coulon at
Wed Mar 3 03:56:07 UTC 2004

Tank you patrick and Ken for the answers,

Here is what I dit.
I've moved my root filesystemen (logical volume) to xfs and compiled a  
couple of kernels, il was a bit long, my machine is not so fast. The  
first one with xfs hard coded and the second with xfs as a module  
applying the recipe given by Ken: I have built the normal initrd with  
lvmcreate_initrd, then mounted/edited/copied it and have the following  

With XFS hardcoded, everything went fine and the system is running  

With XFS as a module it isnot the case, even if the system load the  
modole at boot, I get a kernel panic. Here are the messages I wriiten  
down by hand ( :-O ):

|... snipped ..
| RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
| Freeing initrd memory: 1532k freed
| VFS: Mounter root (ext2 filesystem)
| LVM version 1.0.8 (17/11/2003à module loaded
| SGI XFS with no debug enabled                 <-- was happy  ;-)
| SGI: XFS Quota Management subsystem
| vgscan -- reading all physical volumes (this may take a while)
| vgscan -- found inactive volume group "v00"
| vscan -- ERROR 28 writing volume group backup file
|        /etc/lvmtab.d/vg00.tmp in vg-cfgbackup.c [line 273]
| vgscan -- ERROR: unable to do  backup of volume group "vg003
| vgscan -- ERROR: "lvm_tab_vg_removed": ulink "removing volume group
|         "vg00" and "/etc/lvmtab.d"  succesfully created
| vgscan -- WARNING: This program doesnt do a VGA backup of your
|          volume group
| vgchang  -- no volume roup found
| VFS. Cannot open root device "3a02" or 3a:02
| Please append a corret "root=" boot option
|Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 3a:02

End of story.
It seems to find and load my xfs module but then there is a vgscan  
problem. As it work fine with xfs hard coded, I don't really *need* it  
as a module but I would like to know where is the problem

			- Jean-Luc

Le 02.03.2004 18:19, Ken Fuchs a écrit :
>To: linux-lvm at
>In-reply-to: <20040302154631.GB12779 at> (message from
>	Caulfield on Tue, 2 Mar 2004 15:46:32 +0000)
>Subject: Re: [linux-lvm] Adding xfs module to the initrd-lvm
>BCC: kfuchs at
>References: <20040302152911.GI15556 at tangerine.coulon.evette>
><20040302154631.GB12779 at>
>--text follows this line--
>>On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 04:29:11PM +0100, Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)
>>> I would like to add the xfs module to the lvm created by
>>> lvmcreate_initrd.
>>> Is there a mean to do that easily?
>>> So I have to mount and existing one and add the module by hand?
>Patrick Caulfield wrote:
>>I suspect that's the easiest way if that's what you really need to  
>> do.
>>> So I have to use the standard initrd tools?
>>You could edit the existing lvmcreate_initrd to add the module (look
>>for lvm-mod and write some similar code underneath it).
>>But the easiest way, by far, is to have your kernel with XFS compiled
>>into it rather than as a module!
>An alternative is to simply modify the initrd manually (Very easy and
>rather straightforward):
>Make a backup copy of the initrd.
>(If the initrd is compressed, uncompress it using gunzip.)
># mount -o loop /boot/initrd-<version> /data1
># cp -p /lib/modules/<version>/kernel/fs/xfs/xfs.o
>  <Destination directory can be anywhere as long as insmod arg in
>   matches.>
># <edit> /data1/linuxrc
>  <Add insmod command to insert module xfs.o.>
>  /bin/insmod /lib/modules/<version>/kernel/fs/xfs/xfs.o
># umount /data1
>(If the initrd was compressed, compress it using gzip.)
># shutdown -r now
>Rather than replace the original initrd, one could copy and modify it
>and make a new lilo or grub entry for the old kernel/modified initrd.
>This allows one to boot from the original kernel/initrd in case the
>modified initrd contains a mistake that prevents proper booting.
>Ken Fuchs <kfuchs at>
>linux-lvm mailing list
>linux-lvm at
>read the LVM HOW-TO at
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