[linux-lvm] Snapshot Support

Liam Helmer lists at strongboxlinux.com
Thu Oct 14 18:18:41 UTC 2004

I'm seeing a lot of messages about snapshots sort of working... I should
relay my experience here.

I did some testing with Snapshots in, and came up with variable
results. Here's some stuff I found:

reiserfs works badly with read/write snapshots: writing to both the main
filesystem and the snapshot hangs the filesystems permanently (even
after writing stops), and stops LVM from being able to assign more
snapshots/space/etc until a full reboot.

ext3 works OK, albeheit with a definite CPU hit. I tried low-level loads
and it didn't crash, which was certainly better than with reiserfs.

I didn't try a whole lot of other filesystems though. Generally, it
didn't seem quite stable enough, so I decided to wait a few iterations
before working with it seriously. Does anyone know the status of work in
this area? Or if there's some more patches waiting in -mm?



StrongBox Linux
"Making Security Friendly"

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