[linux-lvm] metadata inconsistancy

Eric Wagar eric at deadhookers.org
Wed Jun 22 20:49:38 UTC 2005

I am trying to create a lv with two pv's of about 750G.  After doing a 
pvcreate, I am able to see both pv's but both are showing:
  Allocatable           NO

Afterwards, I try doing a vgcreate, and there are no errors, though when 
doing a vgdisplay I see no vg's, and doing a pvdisplay shows the pv's as 
not being allocated to any vg.

The history of these drives is that they were in a vg of 1.5T, but I 
removed it so I could learn the lvm commands and configs.  Now, I can't 
get it back together.  I did read in TLDP (and pvcreate man page) that I 
could dd the volume header, but that is not proving any additional progress.

Am I missing some step that would let me progress to recreate the volume?


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