[linux-lvm] Ran vgreduce --missing to remove broken disk, am I screwed?

Peter Smith peter.smith at utsouthwestern.edu
Tue Aug 29 21:16:26 UTC 2006

Thomas Novin wrote:

>>I had a disk that stopped working. After booting I could see with
>>that the disk was missing. After reading everything I could find via
>>I thought that you were supposed to run 'vgreduce --remove-missing
>>to remove the missing disk from the group.
>>After this the volume group looks OK but the entire logical volume got
>>removed! Am I screwed now or is there any way to salvage the data which is
>>on the remaining three disks?
>Please someone answer this, is there any solution to this problem? To
>- Disk failure
>- Ran 'vgreduce --remove-missing volgrp0' (probably not such a good idea)
>- /dev/volgrp0/ emtpy. 'lvdisplay' doesn't show anything.
>So, can I somehow restore my logical volume? The three other physical
>disks/partitions are intact.
>Thanks in advance,
>Thomas Novin

You will probably be able to restore your config from a backup. Look in 
/etc/lvmconf . Or, look for files that may be backups of your 
configuration. You should be able to do some sort of vgcfgrestore 
command using a previous conf and get back to, at least, where you were 
before doing the remove.


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