[linux-lvm] LVM, rawio, ext2?

Dirk Heinrichs heinrichs at qis-systemhaus.de
Fri Aug 24 09:31:36 UTC 2007

David Rees wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to create an ext2 filesystem over a raw io device, is this even
> possible?  (If not, skip the rest of this message! ;-)
Why do you want to do that?

These are two opposite things. One uses a raw device where an
application has it's own storage layout, like databases.

If you just want to make shure that your files on an ext2 are written
immediately, then mount with sync option.


Dirk Heinrichs		| Tel:	+49 (0)241 413 260
Configuration Manager	| Fax:	+49 (0)241 413 2640
QIS Systemhaus GmbH	| Mail:	dheinrichs at qis-systemhaus.de
Jülicher Str. 338b	| Web:	http://www.qis-systemhaus.de
D-52070 Aachen		| ICQ#:	110037733

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