[linux-lvm] Resize physical volume

Karl Wagner karl at mouse-hole.com
Mon Apr 20 17:05:26 UTC 2009

Hi all
I have just been through a fairly major reorganisation of my data, and need to resize the physical volumes in my LVM setup.

Currently I have sd[a-d]6, which are physical volumes for the volume group ‘data’, and sd[a-d]7, which contain nothing. My plan was to get rid of p7 on each device and extend p6 to include that space. However when I tried on sda, I got an error after of Couldn't find device with uuid…

These are the steps I took:

* Deactivate all vg’s 
* Fdisk /dev/sda 
* Delete p7 
* Delete p6 
* Create p6 with start at start of old p6, end at end of old p7 
* Write part table 

At this point, sda7 has gone and sda6 is the correct size (checked with blockdev –getsz). But running a pvscan, lvm tells me it cant find sda6.

What am I missing?




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