[linux-lvm] CLVM Snapshot HOWTO?

Paul Dugas Paul at dugas.cc
Tue Mar 24 02:58:00 UTC 2009

I apologize if this has been covered already or is written up elsewhere
but I can't seem to find it.  I've got a couple of AoE volumes that I'm
using for LVM VGs.  They have GFS filesystems on LVs that are sized to
fill 90% of the the VGs; 10% space left over for snapshots.  I have 4
CENTOS 5.2 machines clustered and mounting the GFS filesystems.  That's
working well.

Having used LVM snapshots in non-cluster environments before, I figured
I'd just use the same logic for backing up the volumes; lvcreate -s,
mount, backup, umount, lvremove.  This quickly fell apart and I started
to think about it more.  I ended up wondering how snapshots of the
volume could ever really work without coordinating with the other

My question is this.  Should I be able to use snapshots on clustered
volumes like this?  If not, are there plans to support it later?  If so,
can someone point me to a working example?

Thanks in advance,

Paul Dugas - paul at dugas.cc - 404.932.1355
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