[linux-lvm] lvm2 and partition shringkin: superblock/filesystem size mismatch

Johannes Graumann johannes_graumann at web.de
Wed Dec 1 07:28:43 UTC 2010


I'm running debian testing and "/home" is an ext3 fs. I run the following 
order of commands to shrink the fs and the corresponding partition:

	e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/mygroup-home
	resize2fs /dev/mapper/mygroup-home 55329357
	lvreduce -L 208.5g /dev/mapper/mygroup-home

The latter was supposed to be .5g bigger than necessary (paranoia regarding 
the data integrity kicking in).

"e2fck /dev/mapper/mygroup-home" now stops with superblock/filesystem size 
mismatch, but I can't grow the fs into the new partition size, as 
"resize2fs" wants "e2fsck" (stopping with the mismatch) first.

The fs is mountable and everything seems allright otherwise. 

Any pointers on how to update the superblock's size statement?

Thanks, Joh

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