[linux-lvm] LVM/Devicemapper kernel level breakage?

Sven Eschenberg sven at whgl.uni-frankfurt.de
Sun Jul 18 19:18:13 UTC 2010

Hi list, I am having difficulties with one of my boxes.

Mainly this:

 2262 root      20   0     0    0    0 R   25  0.0 836:51.10 flush-253:2
 2363 root      20   0     0    0    0 R   25  0.0 838:28.16 flush-253:6
 2364 root      20   0     0    0    0 R   25  0.0 916:14.92 flush-253:4
 2365 root      20   0     0    0    0 R   25  0.0 855:02.50 flush-253:1
 2362 root      20   0     0    0    0 R   23  0.0 916:14.92 flush-253:5
 3090 root      20   0     0    0    0 R   23  0.0 853:27.24 flush-253:3

I was wondering what these flush processes are, I could determine they are
kernel based threads (as far as I can see).
Since they are called  flush, I'd asume they have to do with flushing
buffers or whatsoever, so I came to the conclusion, that the numbers might
be major:minor pairs.

Using lvs, I get:

  LV          KMaj KMin
  Root        253  1
  home        253  3
  var         253  2
  usr         253  5
  usr.portage 253  4
  www         253  6

And I certainly do not believe that there should be flush proceses hogging
the CPU 24/7, and al those threads belong to logical volumes, or devie
mapper devices (there are more, with a little les cpu time created by

Is this a known bug? Any recommendation what to do?



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