[linux-lvm] LVM high availability

Digimer lists at alteeve.ca
Fri Jun 14 15:22:06 UTC 2013

On 06/13/2013 12:16 PM, lihuiba wrote:
> Please consider the following case:
> there are multiple storage servers each configured as LVM on top of a RAID,
> and the servers are connected by DRBD to synchronize the RAIDs.
> The question is
> 1) can I safely active a read-only volume on all of the servers?

Depends on your file system. GFS2 and OCFS2 is fine. Most all others are 
not. In either case, you can't mount a Secondary DRBD resource no matter 

> 2) can I safely active a read-write volume on a randomly chosen server?

You need a cluster-aware files system like GFS2 and, in the context of 
LVM, you need clustered VGs and LVs which requires clvmd to be running.

> 3) how about thin pool and volumes?

I've not played with these.

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