[linux-lvm] Any way to speed up activation of volumes with snapshots?

Zdenek Kabelac zkabelac at redhat.com
Wed Sep 16 21:20:18 UTC 2015

Dne 16.9.2015 v 21:19 Chris Friesen napsal(a):
> On 09/16/2015 02:27 AM, Zdenek Kabelac wrote:
>> Sorry, but there is no 'parallel' activation from lvm2 command - as lvm2 is not
>> multithreadded app  (and is quite far away from that).
> Just had a weird thought.  What would happen if I ran the "vgchange -ay"
> command, and then a few seconds later ran a bunch of "lvchange -ay" commands
> in parallel?

Since all of them are 'activation' requests - you just end with success
and everything should be activated.

Much more interesting case is - if you run in parallel activation
and deactivation :) - then the result depends on last executed command.

> Would that maybe let me activate non-snapshotted volumes even if the
> snapshotted volumes took a long time?

Yes - you could activate things in parallel this way - since every command has 
separate udev cookie - so it waits on its set of LVs.


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