[linux-lvm] thin handling of available space

Xen list at xenhideout.nl
Wed May 4 18:16:41 UTC 2016

Mark Mielke schreef op 04-05-2016 3:25:

> Thanks for entertaining this discussion, Matthew and Zdenek. I realize
> this is an open source project, with passionate and smart people,
> whose time is precious. I don't feel I have the capability of really
> contributing code changes at this time, and I'm satisfied that the
> ideas are being considered even if they ultimately don't get adopted.
> Even the mandatory warning about snapshots exceeding the volume group
> size is something I can continue to deal with using scripting and
> filtering. I mostly want to make sure that my perspective is known and
> understood.

You know, you really don't need to be this apologetic even if I mess up 
my own replies ;-).

I think you have a right and a reason to say what you've said, and 
that's it.

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