[linux-lvm] Distributed Locking of LVM

John Stoffel john at stoffel.org
Thu Aug 31 19:29:16 UTC 2017

>>>>> "Zdenek" == Zdenek Kabelac <zkabelac at redhat.com> writes:

Zdenek> Dne 31.8.2017 v 08:32 Kalyana sundaram napsal(a):
>> Thanks all people
>> I understand reboot/fencing is mandatory
>> I hope the visibility might be better in external locking tool like redis
>> With lvmlockd I find no deb available for ubuntu, and documentations for clvm 
>> to handle an issue is difficult to find

Zdenek> Unfortunately Debian based distros are not 'the best fit' for
Zdenek> anything lvm2 related and it's not lvm2 fault ;) and it's
Zdenek> pretty hard to fix....

Can you please elaborate on this?  I use Debian distros by
preference. Is it because they've changed stuff to fit the debian
ideals too much?  


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