[linux-lvm] Pvmove can work on cluster with LVM 2.02.120(2) (2015-05-15), or not?

Zdenek Kabelac zkabelac at redhat.com
Thu Apr 26 08:33:02 UTC 2018

Dne 26.4.2018 v 04:07 Gang He napsal(a):
> Hello Zdenek,
> Do you remember LVM for this version supports PVmove, or not?
> Since there is a user which is pinging this question.


lvm2 should be supporting clustered pvmove (in case cmirrord is fully 
functional on your system) - but I've no idea if you are hitting some old bug 
or you see some still existing one.

For reporting bug use some more recent version of tools - nobody is likely 
really going to hunt bugs in your 3 year old system here...



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