[linux-lvm] lvm.conf backup section

Zdenek Kabelac zkabelac at redhat.com
Mon Dec 3 11:33:19 UTC 2018

Dne 01. 12. 18 v 13:44 Far Had napsal(a):
> How does it _make sure_ that I've backup files younger than 10 days old? What 
> if I delete those files?


Archives in /etc/lvm/archive subdirs are not 'a must have' - they are optional 
and purely for admin's pleasure.

So admin can erase them anytime he wants to - but in that case it's probably 
more clever to disable archiving in lvm.conf ;) as archiving eats some CPU...

lvm2 itself does *only* care about metadata stored in the 'metadata' area in 
PV header - where there is also ring-buffer which typically keeps pretty long 
history of all metadata modifications - this buffer has these days ~1MiB in 
size. So unless your metadata are pretty big - the history can be relatively 
easily extracted also out from this place for i.e. recovery purpose.

I must admit I don't understand the  'make sure' part of your question??
Are you aiming at some particular issue ??



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