[linux-lvm] Trying to understand format of LVM2 - Question on Extent Size

Zdenek Kabelac zkabelac at redhat.com
Thu Jul 26 08:58:24 UTC 2018

Dne 26.7.2018 v 06:25 David F. napsal(a):
> Never mind, the answer is the extent_size is the number of sectors (or perhaps 
> it's the number of 512 byte blocks, I'll have to test on 4K sector 
> drives).     So in this case 4M and 4M*3840 is the 16G (not 16M which was the 
> 3840*4096).
> On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 5:37 PM, David F. <df7729 at gmail.com 


extent_size is always in 512b unit  and ATM it's 32b value.

extent_count is in 'extent_size' unit  and ATM it's 32b value.

Volume size    extent_size * extent_count   (so  32b * 32b =>  64b size).

Depending on your extent_size you are limiting maximum volume size.
Thus if you need to use  Exa byte volume sizes you clearly need to go with 4G 
extent size.



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