[linux-lvm] how to set higher then 128 nr_requests on LV's

Zdenek Kabelac zkabelac at redhat.com
Mon May 14 14:21:38 UTC 2018

Dne 14.5.2018 v 02:47 Pankaj Agarwal napsal(a):
> Hi,
> How do i set the nr_request value for LV's as it's not writable like other 
> drives on a linux system.
> LV's are set as dm-0 and dm-1 on my system.
>   #cat /sys/block/dm-0/queue/nr_requests
> 128
> # echo 256 > /sys/block/dm-0/queue/nr_requests
> -bash: echo: write error: Invalid argument
> #


Lvm2 is 'logical volume manager'  - so it really is just managing your metadata.

So you basically ask how you change this value for 'DM' device (managed by lvm2).

And IMHO my answer would be - you can't change this setting for DM device as 
you use whatever comes from the layer bellow DM - so i.e. if you use  PV as 
/dev/sdb  - you need to set this setting for your /dev/sdb  device.



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