[linux-lvm] Programming interface

Zdenek Kabelac zkabelac at redhat.com
Wed Aug 21 08:46:33 UTC 2019

Dne 21. 08. 19 v 9:58 Christoph Pleger napsal(a):
> Hello,
> Some time ago, we wrote an application that uses the lvm2app interface to 
> manage volume groups and logical volumes. Of course, the application does not 
> work anymore, now that lvm2app has been skipped. So, is there anywhere 
> something like a guide how to rewrite code that used the lvm2app interface?


Unfortunatelly there is no API library anymore - we were simply not able to 
provide such interface - it's complex task and very low number of developers...

The 'new' idea was to use/provide 'DBus' API - however it's also not a lot of 
'traction' :( and it's also missing lot of features and design...

So I'd highly recommend to stick with a call standard lvm2 commands.

String interface is pretty good and easy to construct in all programming 

Note - lvs has pretty good formatting capabilities for easy parsing (even in 
i.e. BASH)



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