[linux-lvm] lvdisplay "open" field computing

Simon ELBAZ selbaz at linagora.com
Tue Jul 9 09:47:20 UTC 2019


I am trying to understand how the open field is computed.

On a CentOS6 server, lvdisplay has the following output:

/lvdisplay /dev/mapper/vg_obm-var_spool_imap //
//  --- Logical volume ---//
//  LV Path                /dev/vg_obm/var_spool_imap//
//  LV Name                var_spool_imap//
//  VG Name                vg_obm//
//  LV UUID 0oK7h0-tDZH-eUxE-AyBw-cK7x-U9pS-W7X4Uh//
//  LV Write Access        read/write//
//  LV Creation host, time panoramix.ch-perrens.fr, 2015-01-16 11:03:10 
//  LV Status              available//
//  # open                 2//
//  LV Size                1,92 TiB//
//  Current LE             504572//
//  Segments               2//
//  Allocation             inherit//
//  Read ahead sectors     auto//
//  - currently set to     256//
//  Block device           253:3//

  And dmsetup show the following info:

/# dmsetup info -c | grep "253" | grep " 3"//
//vg_obm-var_spool_imap                 253   3 L--w    2 2      0 

Could you please give me some hint to understand how "open = 2" is 
obtained ?



Simon Elbaz
Mob: +33 (0) 6 38 99 18 34
Tour Franklin 31ème étage
100/101 Quartier Boieldieu
92042 La Défense

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