[linux-lvm] [PATCH] Detect systemd at run-time in 69-dm-lvm-metad.rules

Zdenek Kabelac zkabelac at redhat.com
Tue Jul 30 15:02:44 UTC 2019

Dne 25. 07. 19 v 20:49 Julian Andres Klode napsal(a):
> systems might have systemd as their normal init systems, but
> might not be using it in their initramfs; or like Debian, support
> different init systems.
> Detect whether we are running on systemd by checking for /run/systemd/system
> and then change the behavior accordingly.

Wouldn't it be better to simply disable compiling/using lvmetad on such systems ?

HEAD of 2.03 already dropped lvmetad anyway.

Do you need any sort of autoactivation in ramdisk ?

There is probably higher complexity.

pvscan was not moved into systemd service just for fun - there have been at 
least 2 major mandatory points why  'pvscan' with autoactivation MUST NOT be 
executed from udev rule directly (udev timeout)

So the proposed patch must be NAC-ked as it is - as it probably causing way 
more troubles then it solves.



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