[linux-lvm] Filesystem corruption with LVM's pvmove onto a PVwith a larger physical block size

Ingo Franzki ifranzki at linux.ibm.com
Fri Mar 1 08:00:36 UTC 2019

On 01.03.2019 03:56, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
> Hello,
> I think the filesystems address in Logical blocks, so this is the size which should match.
> However the physical size might be relevant for alignment/sizing decisions of mkfs  (but you would expect the to be encoded in the metadata of the filesystem so you can transport them (losing proper alignment which might affect Performance or robustness).
> For ext3/4 I think the mkfs will use -b 4k by Default if your FS is at least 0,5GB.
That may make a difference. My tests were with relatively small volumes, so it might not be using -b 4k due to the size of the volume?
> BTW: some applications (like SQL Server) also care about the physical size to make sure they always write complete sectors in transactions and avoid read-modify-write scenarios.
> Gruss
> Bernd

Ingo Franzki
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