[linux-lvm] LVM and HSM?

Zdenek Kabelac zkabelac at redhat.com
Mon May 13 08:26:09 UTC 2019

Dne 12. 05. 19 v 0:07 Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk napsal(a):
> Hi
> With lvmcache and all, is there anything in the works of making an HSM (Hierarchical storage management aka tiered storage) with LVM as with less-used data on slow, spinning rust and more-used data on higher tiers?


There is no technical problem to enable caching of cached volume (aka  convert 
cache_cdata LV into another 'cached' volume.
And as long as there are not errors anywhere - it works.
Difficulty comes with solving error cases - and that's the main reason it's 
not enable so far.
So I don't see big issue with enabling usage on 'user's own risk'.



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