[linux-lvm] can we change cluster_ringid_seq in libdlm from uint32_t to uint64_t?

Gang He GHe at suse.com
Sun Apr 26 07:24:33 UTC 2020

Hello List,

In libdlm code, cluster_ringid_seq variable is defined with uint32_t in dlm_controld/dlm_daemon.h,
the corosync API returns uinit64_t ring_id, in the current code, we use type cast to get the low-32bit ring-id.
But, in some case, the corosync returns a huge ring-id (greater than 32bit), the DLM daemon does not work normally (looks stuck).
Then, I want to know if we can change cluster_ringid_seq in libdlm from uint32_t to uint64_t?

If you'd like to know the details about why corosync ran into such a huge ringid, 
you could check the info from: https://github.com/corosync/corosync/pull/532#issuecomment-617647233


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